
Our Contact Details

Please contact us to find out anything about our organisation.

If you wish to book a room and you are an existing user you can leave a message.
If you are a new user then you will need to complete our booking form which we can send by email or post - or we would love to meet you so come in and collect one.

By mail

16 Chapel Street
DE56 1AR.

We are located directly opposite Trent Barton Bus Station on the A6 in the grounds of Belper Central Methodist Church.

By phone

01773 880364

Please note that the office is only manned between 10.00 a.m. and 12 noon on weekdays. You can leave a message at any time and this will be answered next time the office is open.

By email

office at belpercommunitycottage dot co dot uk

Please leave out the spaces and use @ for at and . for dot. This is an attempt to fool the automatic web trawlers which look for email addresses so that they can send spam emails.